Nothing New Under the Sun

In addressing the public perception of Anthropogenic Global Warming, this nine-part article considers evidence from the Bible and from simple scientific principles to prove that catastrophic man-made global warming is neither catastrophic, man-made or even global and that the God of creation is in full control of the climate today, just as He was at the beginning of time.

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Chapter 5 - Scientific Consensus

In 2003, Michael Mann, lead author of the IPCC report of 2001, whose flawed graph has since been removed from all IPCC documentation because it was causing an embarrassment to the organisation, said these words:

“It is the consensus of the climate research community that the anomalous warmth of the late 20th century cannot be explained by natural factors, but instead indicates significant anthropogenic, that is human influences.”

It is the consensus, according to Michael Mann. The word consensus, meaning full agreement, gets banded about every time the Global Warming issue comes up. A consensus on Global Warming. However, in reality there is no consensus on Global Warming. At the very least, Michael Mann’s corrected graph should prove that to us. The truth is that there are just as many scientists who reject the theory of man-made, human-induced Global Warming, as there are scientists who agree with it. This applies even within the panel of the IPCC, but not in the media. In the media there is a definite consensus, because let’s face it, only one opinion of Global Warming is worth reporting. Only one opinion feeds the pride of man while demoting the power of God over His own creation, and that’s the opinion the devil wants us to believe. It is a view which says that it is within man’s power to bring down the temperature of the earth and that if he doesn’t, the results will be catastrophic. A view which says that God’s system is out of control.

There are really only three aspects of Global Warming on which consensus has been reached in the scientific community:

1. Average global temperatures are 0.6°C higher now than they were 100 years ago
2. Atmospheric CO2 has risen by 30% in the last 200 years
3. Greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the earth

The gases in the upper atmosphere create a perfect, living environment on the earth. The earth’s atmosphere allows the short-wave heat radiation from the Sun to pass through to the surface. Some of that heat is then reflected back off the surface of the earth again, with some atmospheric gases absorbing the radiation, preventing that heat from escaping again. The gases which absorb the most radiation from the Sun are known as greenhouse gases. Without these gases, and therefore without the so-called greenhouse effect, the temperature on the earth would be about 30°C less than it is now. Without this phenomenon man could not survive. That’s no coincidence. God created the firmament, the atmosphere, in Genesis chapter 1, and He maintains its perfect balance right up to this day.

Breakdown of the elements in the AtmosphereThe breakdown of gases in the atmosphere is shown on the right. You can see that nitrogen makes up 77% and oxygen contributes 21%. It is worth noting that all the elements in the atmosphere contribute somewhat to the greenhouse effect, but those elements which are believed to absorb the most radiation from the Sun are labelled here as greenhouse gases and come in third, just over 1% of the earth’s atmosphere.

That’s not a big percentage considering the fuss that’s made about them, and when we break that down even further, we see that carbon dioxide, the infamous supervillain of the whole Global Warming story, really doesn’t hold as much weight as we might have thought.

Carbon dioxide makes up less than 4% of all greenhouse gases, which actually works out at 0.038% of the earth’s atmosphere. 0.038%, that’s all. The suggestion of the Sun, a huge flaming ball in space, burning at 5,500°C, having something to do with the temperature on our relatively small planet is rejected by the media and the IPCC, for what? 0.038% of the earth’s atmosphere!

It is true that carbon dioxide, CO2, has increased by 30% over the last 200 years. However, all that means is that in 200 years we have moved from a CO2 concentration of 0.03% to a CO2 concentration of 0.038%. That’s what all the fuss is about! That’s why we should close the factories, that’s why we should ban cars, that’s why we should stop using patio heaters, because of a 0.008% change in the earth’s atmosphere over 200 years. This is also why some very foolish Christians are running campaigns called ‘What Would Jesus Drive’. Such a thing is a great insult to our Lord and Saviour.

Greenhouse Gas Concentrations - Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor

Of course, I don’t expect Big Bang believing scientists to see it that way. In an evolutionary system, originating from an explosion, the resulting environment is unstable. In an unstable environment, a 0.008% change is a big change. Anything could happen, the system itself is unpredictable. But we don’t believe in an evolutionary system, nor do we believe in an unstable environment. We believe in the One who holds it all together in His hand. The system is secure. The environment that we live in is stable. A 0.008% change is not going to shake the foundations of God’s creation.

So why carbon dioxide? Why are we being told that it is all down to carbon dioxide? Firstly, the earth is getting warmer, and man needs a reason. Greenhouse gases regulate the temperature of the earth, and so it’s the greenhouse gases that must now be malfunctioning. After all, in man’s opinion, they are only there by chance, so there is just as much chance that one day they are going to go wrong. And if you believe evolutionary theory, that is the natural assumption. But then they take a look at the proportions of greenhouse gases and see that water vapour makes up 96% alone. What can man do about water vapour?
Ecclesiastes 1:7 tells us:

All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

It’s a cycle, another one. The water vapour in the atmosphere, condensation, cloud formation, they are all part of a cycle. A cycle that man cannot influence, a cycle that has existed from the beginning of time, God’s perfect climate system. Man knows he has no control over the water cycle, but CO2, maybe, just maybe he can change that, and so poor old carbon dioxide gets the blame.

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For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9